Sunday 15 April 2012

Testing Open Stack with tempest, devstack and developer github repo

Openstack developers can test the code developed by them using devstack and tempest before submitting the code for review. The devstack script gets the code from OpenStack github repo. However if developers have their own OpenStack developer repo and would like to test their code changes using tempest, some changes need to be done to the devstack configuration as well as tempest. This blog post describes the various steps required to test developer code available in their own github repo. This blog is relevant for new contributors to the OpenStack code and helps them understand the OpenStack devbuild and test steps.

1. Setting up the developer sandbox

The developer sandbox can be setup on a linux machine. If you already have a linux box, go to to step 2.

For a new developer who does not have a linux machine and would still like to build and test OpenStack, is the solution. Ubuntu instances can be launched using Check my blog post on and use the instructions mentioned and launch a Ubuntu instance. Once the instance is launched, SSH to that instance using putty.

2. Setting up devstack

First install git on your linux sandbox using the command

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ sudo apt-get install git

Once git is installed, download devstack using the command

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ git clone git://

Once devstack is downloaded, we need to run the script available in the devstack directory. The script downloads and builds the OpenStack code from the OpenStack github repo. If you have your own github repo which is forked from OpenStack repo and contains code modified by you, then we need to specify this repo so that the devstack script will download the code from your repo. This can be specified in the localrc file.

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ cd devstack

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo ADMIN_PASSWORD=password > localrc
ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo MYSQL_PASSWORD=password >> localrc
ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo RABBIT_PASSWORD=password >> localrc
ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo SERVICE_PASSWORD=password >> localrc
ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo SERVICE_TOKEN=tokentoken >> localrc
ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo FLAT_INTERFACE=br100 >> localrc
ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo API_RATE_LIMIT=False >> localrc

Now specify your own github OpenStack repo. If you dont have a repo, then ignore this step.

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo NOVA_REPO= >> localrc
ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ echo NOVA_BRANCH=master >> localrc

Now execute to setup OpenStack on your developer sandbox

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ ./

The script executes and install OpenStack. You should see the below mentioned statements once the script is executed successfully

Horizon is now available at
Keystone is serving at
Examples on using novaclient command line is in
The default users are: admin and demo
The password: password
This is your host ip: completed in 1073 seconds.

3. Testing OpenStack with Tempest

Now that OpenStack is up and running on your linux box, we can test the installation by running tempest, the integration test suite for OpenStack components.

Let us get tempest from github tempest repo by executing the command

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ git clone git://

For tempest to run the API tests successfully, it needs configuration information which can be specified in a configuration file. Simplest way to create the conf file is to copy the sample conf file available with tempest and modify the contents of the file according to your setup

Execute the command to create a conf file

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~/ cd tempest/
ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~/ cp etc/tempest.conf.sample etc/tempest.conf

Modify the tempest.conf to provide your setup specific details

First provide the host IP. This is the IP of your developer sandbox

# This is the main host address of the authentication service API
host =

Then provide the password of the user WITHOUT administrative privileges. Devstack creates 2 users, admin and demo. The demo user does not have administrative privelege.

# This should be the username of a user WITHOUT administrative privileges
username = demo
# The above non-administrative user's password
password = password
# The above non-administrative user's tenant name
tenant_name = demo

Tempest needs UUID of a image available in Glance (OpenStack Image component) . This can be got by executing the following command

glance -I admin -K password -T admin -N -S keystone index  grep ami | cut -f1 | awk '{print $1}'

Replace the IP and password with your sandbox IP and the password you provided in localrc file.

The result of this command is something like this.


Now copy this image UUID and provide it in tempest.conf

# Reference data for tests. The ref and ref_alt should be
# distinct images/flavors.
image_ref = 1e06d0dc-2938-41ae-a47c-1581bde13c01
image_ref_alt =1e06d0dc-2938-41ae-a47c-1581bde13c01
flavor_ref = 1
flavor_ref_alt = 2

Next modify build_interval

# Number of seconds to wait while looping to check the status of an
# instance or volume that is building.
build_interval = 30

This sets the build interval to 30 secs. This is required since we are running the tests on a instance (VM) and devstack will use QEMU.

Also set resize_available to False.

# For resize to work with libvirt/kvm, one of the following must be true:
# Single node: allow_resize_to_same_host=True must be set in nova.conf
# Cluster: the 'nova' user must have scp access between cluster nodes
resize_available = False

Change the user name and password in [image] section of tempest.conf

# This section contains configuration options used when executing tests
# against the OpenStack Images API

# This should be the username of a user WITHOUT administrative privileges
username = demo
# The above non-administrative user's password
password = password
# The above non-administrative user's tenant name
tenant_name = demo

Finally provide the admin password in [compute-admin] section of tempest.conf

# This section contains configuration options for an administrative
# user of the Compute API. These options are used in tests that stress
# the admin-only parts of the Compute API

# This should be the username of a user WITH administrative privileges
username = admin
# The above administrative user's password
password = password
# The above administrative user's tenant name
tenant_name = admin

Once these changes are done, we are set to run tempest by executing the following command

ubuntu@sagar-vm1:~$ nosetests -v tempest

Once all the tests are completed, you should get the following message on your console

Ran 139 tests in 1330.624s
OK(SKIP = 6)

Note - When you run the tests, the number of tests might be more if more test cases have been committed to the tempest repo.

At the end of these steps you should be able to launch a developer sandbox, install OpenStack and test it using tempest. 

Saturday 3 March 2012 is a easiest and fastest way to understand openstack, a open source cloud software.
Request for a free account on Once you have the acount, you can start using the openstack dashboard, cURL and Nova Client to launch Server Instances (VMs), reboot VMs, terminate VMs etc.

In this blog, I will explain how to use the openstack Dashboard and Nova Client to launch VMs and then SSH to the VM

The first part of the blog explains the Dashboard and the second part of this blog explains Nova Client. Following the steps mentioned in this blog, you should be able to launch VMs using Dashboard and Nova Client.


Once you login to trystack, you are presented with your dashboard which looks like this

We shall now follow the below mentioned steps and launch a VM using Dashboard

1. Modify Security-Groups
Before launching a VM, lets first modify the Security Groups rules to allow us to ping and SSH to the VMs.

This is done by editing the default security group or adding a new security group. For ease of understanding, lets modify the default security group.

Select IP protocol tcp and enter 22 in "From port" and "To port " and Cidr This opens port 22 for requests from any IP

Select IP protocol icmp and enter -1 in "From port" and "To port " and Cidr This allows ping from any IP

2. Adding Key-pair

Next lets add a keypair. Once you add a keypair, the public key would be downloaded.

Once this is done, we are all set to launch a VM.

3. Launching VM

Click Images and launch a required VM from a list of images available.

Click launch on the required image

Select  the flavor m1.small and the keypair you just added and click launch. This will launch a VM

Once the status is "Active", the VM is launched and we can ping and SSH to the IP

4. Accessing the VM

Now lets SSH to this new VM using the commands

sagar@ubuntu:~$ chmod 600 public-key-file
sagar@ubuntu:~$ ssh -i public-key-file ubuntu@IP Address of VM

The default username of the VM launched is "ubuntu"

If you are using windows, you can use putty to SSH to your VM

Nova Client

Now let me explain you how to use Nova Client to launch a VM. We will perform the same operations as done in Dashboard using Nova Client.

First you need install Nova Client on your machine. This can be done using the following command

$ pip install -e git+

This will install Nova Client. You can check the installation by entering

$ nova help

Once this is done, you can start using Nova Client and launch a VM.

1. Setup env variable

Set the following values in env

export NOVA_USERNAME=myuserid
export NOVA_API_KEY=mypassword
export NOVA_PROJECT_ID=myuserid
export NOVA_URL=
export NOVA_VERSION=1.1

myuserid and mypassword are the credentials you use to login to

2. Modify Security-Groups

Now let me explain how to modify Security Groups. If you have already done it using Dashboard, skip this step.

We will need to open ports for ping and SSH for the default security group using commands

sagar@ubuntu:~$ nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22
sagar@ubuntu:~$ nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1

3. Adding Key-pair 

Lets first set up the KeyPair (You can use the same KeyPair as created in Dashboard also)

Executing the following command will return all the keypairs

sagar@ubuntu:~$ nova keypair-list

For launching a VM, you can use one of the keypairs already available or create a new one and use it.

A keypair can be created using  the command

sagar@ubuntu:~$ nova keypair-add SagarKey5 >SagarKey5.pem

The public key is now saved to a pem file SagarKey5.pem

4. Launching VM

We are now ready to launch the VM. A VM can be launched using a image available in the image service.

The list of available images can be retrieved using the command
sagar@ubuntu:~$ nova image-list

For launching a VM, we will need the flavor. This can be got using the command

sagar@ubuntu:~$ nova flavor-list

Lets use the image oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd65 (ID=15) , flavor m1.small (ID=2) and keypair that was added using  nova keypair-add

The VM can be launched using the command

sagar@ubuntu:~$ nova boot --image 15 --flavor 2 --key_name SagarKey5 SagarVM6

The VM name I have given is "SagarVM6". You can provide the name as required.

The VM is now in BUILD state. Once it is in active state, it will be available for us to SSH

The state of the instances can be got using the command

sagar@ubuntu:~$ nova list

The instance SagarVM6 has been launched with IP Address

5. Accessing the VM

Now lets SSH to this new VM using the commands

sagar@ubuntu:~$ chmod 600 public-key-file
sagar@ubuntu:~$ ssh -i public-key-file ubuntu@IP Address of VM

The default username of the VM launched is "ubuntu"

At the end of these steps you should be able to launch VMs in using both Dashboard and Nova Client